Dr. L. Anneberg's Criteria
Evaluation Rubric for Discussion Board postings

Content and Critical Thinking Evidenced by Postings

Rating points: 8.5-10
Offered critical analyses of existing posted ideas or introduced different interpretations to existing ideas. Revealed a solid understanding of the topic as evidenced by thoughtful responses and questions.

Rating points: 6.5-8.5
Revealed an adequate understanding of the topic as evidenced by posts indicating superficial knowledge. Agreed or disagreed with existing discussion and provided limited justification/explanation.

Rating points: 3.5-6.5
Agreed or disagreed with existing discussion but provided no justification/explanation. Revealed a restricted understanding of the topic limited to information that could be derived from prior posts.

Rating points: 0-3.5
Messages were unrelated to discussions. Provided no evidence of agreement or disagreement with existing discussions.