################################################################## ###################### Tekkotsu config ####################### ################################################################## ##################### $Name: tekkotsu-2_3 $ ###################### ####################### $Revision: 1.58 $ ######################## ################## $Date: 2005/01/27 05:43:38 $ ################## ################################################################## # # Format: # # * Comments are any line beginning with '#' # # * Model specific regions can be denoted with ... # - Wildcards can also be used: ... # - Anything not within a model region is read by all models (i.e. <*>..) # - Don't get fancy with the "tags" - one per line, the parser's not that smart # (feel free to hack it if you want - it's in Config.cc) # # * Sections are demarcated with [SECTIONNAME] # - A section is only ended by another section beginning # - Section transitions within a model region will only be read by that model # - Section names are case insensitive # # * Otherwise, each line is interpreted as: variable=value # - this should correspond to Config::curSectionName_config::variable # - interpretation is up to the code in Config.cc # - some variables are lists (additional assignments push on the list), # others are simply overwritten if a new value is assigned. # - variable names are case insensitive # # * You can override these at run time from the Controller using the command: # !set section_name.variable=value # - Of course, whether or not the new value will be picked up depends on # how it is being used... # ################################################################## ################################################################## ################################################################## [Wireless] ################################################################## ################################################################## # unique id for Aibo (not used by Tekkotsu, but you might want it...) id=1 ################################################################## ################################################################## [Vision] ################################################################## ################################################################## # white_balance indoor | flourescent | outdoor white_balance=flourescent white_balance=indoor # gain low | mid | high # higher gain will brighten the image, but increases noise gain=high # shutter_speed slow | mid | fast # slower shutter will brighten image, but increases motion blur shutter_speed=mid shutter_speed=slow # resolution quarter | half | full # this is the resolution vision's object recognition system will run at resolution=full ### Camera Parameters ### # The field of view information should be specified in degrees horizFOV=57.6 vertFOV=47.8 focal_length=2.18 horizFOV=56.9 vertFOV=45.2 focal_length=3.27 ### Color Segmentation Threshold files ### # Threshold (.tm) files define the mapping from full color to indexed color # You can uncomment more than one of these - they will be loaded into # separate channels of the segmenter. The only cost of loading more # threshold files is memory - the CPU cost of actual segmenting is # only done when the channel is accessed. # Included options for color threshold file: # phb.tm - pink, skin (hand), and blue # note: "skin" is just of people who work in our lab - not a general sampling... :( # general.tm - general colors, previously 'default' # ball.tm - standard Sony pink ball definition # pb.tm - pink and blue thresh=/ms/config/phb.tm #thresh=/ms/config/general.tm thresh=/ms/config/ball.tm #thresh=/ms/config/pb.tm #thresh=/ms/config/ttt.tm # 7red.tm - just your usual pink/red/purple color detection, nothing too fancy # ball.tm - standard Sony pink ball definition #thresh=/ms/config/7red.tm #thresh=/ms/config/ball.tm #LTU has Good Orange.. need Yellow #thresh=/ms/config/ltucolor.tm #thresh=/ms/config/AJ2.tm #thresh=/ms/config/AJ3.tm #0412goodpinkballas orangeball for home #thresh=/ms/config/0412.tm thresh=/ms/config/ltu2.tm # the .col file gives names and a "typical" color for display # the indexes numbers it contains correspond to indexes in the .tm file #colors=/ms/config/default.col #colors=/ms/config/AJ3.col colors=/ms/config/ltu2.col #colors=/ms/config/0412.col ### Image Streaming Format ### # These parameters control the video stream over wireless ethernet # transport can be either 'udp' or 'tcp' raw_port=10011 raw_transport=udp rle_port=10012 rle_transport=udp # rawcam_encoding color | y_only | uv_only | u_only | v_only | y_dx_only | y_dy_only | y_dxdy_only rawcam_encoding=color # compression none | jpeg rawcam_compression=jpeg # quality of jpeg compression 0-100 rawcam_compress_quality=85 # apparently someone at sony thinks it's a good idea to replace some # pixels in each camera image with information like the frame number # and CDT count. if non-zero, will replace those pixels with the # actual image pixel value in RawCamGenerator restore_image=1 # jpeg algorithm: 'islow' (integer, slow, but quality), 'ifast' (integer, fast, but rough), 'float' (floating point) jpeg_dct_method=ifast # log_2 of number of pixels to skip, 0 sends reconstructed double # resolution (mainly useful for Y channel, others are just resampled) # our eyes are more sensitive to intensity (y channel) so you might # want to send the UV channels at a lower resolution (higher skip) as # a form of compression # rawcam_y_skip is used when in sending single channel, regardless of # which channel # valid values are 0-5 rawcam_y_skip=2 rawcam_uv_skip=3 # you can send the original segmented image # or an RLE compressed version (which includes some noise removal) #rlecam_compression none | rle rlecam_compression=rle # this is the channel of the seg cam which should be sent. # corresponds to the index of the .tm file you want in thresh rlecam_channel=0 # this is the log_2 of pixels to skip when sending RLE encoded # segmented camera images, same idea as rawcam_*_skip rlecam_skip=1 ################################################################## ################################################################## [Main] ################################################################## ################################################################## console_port=10001 stderr_port=10002 error_level=0 debug_level=0 verbose_level=0 wsjoints_port=10031 wspids_port=10032 walkControl_port=10050 aibo3d_port=10051 headControl_port=10052 estopControl_port=10053 wmmonitor_port=10061 use_VT100=true ################################################################## ################################################################## [Behaviors] ################################################################## ################################################################## ### FlashIPAddrBehavior ### # You probably already know the first 3 bytes for your network # so you might only want the last byte for brevity # (valid values are 1 through 4) flash_bytes=4 # Do you want to automatically trigger this on boot? # Will use a priority of kEmergencyPriority+1 in order to override # the emergency stop's status animation flash_on_start=0 # your-stuff-here? ################################################################## ################################################################## [Controller] ################################################################## ################################################################## gui_port=10020 select_snd=whiip.wav next_snd=toc.wav prev_snd=tick.wav read_snd=ping.wav cancel_snd=whoop.wav error_snd=fart.wav ################################################################## ################################################################## [Motion] ################################################################## ################################################################## # Any motion related paths which are not absolute (i.e. do not # start with '/') will be assumed to be relative to this directory root=/ms/data/motion # This is the default set of walk parameters walk=walk.prm # The file specified by "kinematics" should define the kinematic # chains which form your robot. # "kinematic_chains" lists the names of the chains which should be # loaded from that file kinematics=/ms/config/ers210.kin kinematic_chains=Body kinematic_chains=Mouth kinematics=/ms/config/ers220.kin kinematic_chains=Body kinematic_chains=IR kinematics=/ms/config/ers7.kin kinematic_chains=Body kinematic_chains=Mouth kinematic_chains=NearIR kinematic_chains=FarIR kinematic_chains=ChestIR kinematic_chains=LFr kinematic_chains=RFr kinematic_chains=LBk kinematic_chains=RBk kinematic_chains=Camera # These calibration parameters should specify the value to multiply a # desired position by in order to cause the joint to actually reach # that position. This is then used both to calibrate joint values # which are sent to the system, and also sensor values which are # received back. # An unspecified joint is by default '1' which will then pass values # through unmodified. Only PID joints are calibrated (i.e. LEDs and # ears are not) #Only the knees and rotors have been calibrated #This is just kind of a rough calibration since #I don't know how well it will generalize across #individual robots anyway. calibrate:LFr:rotor=0.972 calibrate:LFr:knee~=0.944 calibrate:RFr:rotor=0.972 calibrate:RFr:knee~=0.944 calibrate:LBk:rotor=0.972 calibrate:LBk:knee~=0.944 calibrate:RBk:rotor=0.972 calibrate:RBk:knee~=0.944 #ERS-2xx seems to be fairly well calibrated by system, but #you can always try to do better... # Sounds to play when turning estop on and off estop_on_snd=skid.wav estop_off_snd=yap.wav # These values are used by some behaviors to limit the # speed of the head to reduce wear on the joints # Units: radians per second max_head_tilt_speed=2.1 max_head_pan_speed=3.0 max_head_roll_speed=3.0 #the pan speed is revised down from Sony's maximum a bit max_head_tilt_speed=3.18522588 max_head_pan_speed=5.78140315 max_head_roll_speed=5.78140315 # If non-zero, robot should attempt to change directions instantaniously # If zero, robot should change directions more fluidly (following some internal acceleration calibration) inf_walk_accel=0 console_port=10003 stderr_port=10004 ################################################################## ################################################################## [Sound] ################################################################## ################################################################## root=/ms/data/sound # volume = mute | level_1 | level_2 | level_3 | # if you directly set the decibel level, be warned sony recommends against going above 0xF600 # However, I believe the commercial software on the ERS-7 runs at 0xFF00 # going above 0xF800 on a ERS-210 causes distortion (clipping) - full volume on a ERS-7 sounds fine though. volume=level_3 # Sound playback currently requires all sounds to be the same bit # rate. Aperios further requires only either 8bit/8KHz or 16bit/16KHz # formats sample_rate=16000 sample_bits=16 # Preload is a list of sounds to cache at boot # can be either root relative or full path preload=skid.wav preload=yap.wav # Audio streaming settings # Audio from the AIBO's microphones streaming.mic_port=10070 streaming.mic_sample_rate=16000 streaming.mic_bits=16 streaming.mic_stereo=true # Audio to the AIBO's speakers streaming.speaker_port=10071 # Length of the speaker streaming buffer (ms) # Streamed samples are sent to the sound manager in packets of this length streaming.speaker_frame_length=64 # Maximum delay (ms) during playback of received samples # If the playback queue gets longer it is emptied. streaming.speaker_max_delay=1000