Lawrence Tech. University AIBO Robot Research

                                                                                                                                      ~ By Chien-Tai Lo, Jason  


        AIBO is an entertainment robot developed by Sony corporation. The word ‘AIBO’ is an

acronym of ‘Artificial Intelligence roBOt,’ and it has a same pronunciation with a Japanese

word ‘相棒,’ meaning ‘close friends.’ As its name suggests, AIBO is developed as

an robot with artificial intelligence, and its purpose if to be a good friend of human beings, just like real pets.

         ERS-7 Functionality                                                                Introduction to R – CODE samples

         AIBO ERS-7 Software Architecture                                        1. Walk and move head variables

        OPEN – R Programming Environments              2. Turn, Wait and Kick variables

文字方塊:          • Building                                                                       3. WHILE...WEND - Loop Structure


文字方塊:          Linux Environment                                                                4. REPEAT...UNTIL - Loop structure

           Makefile                                                                                     5. :<label> - Label, GO – Jump

           Hardware parameters for AIBO                                          6. Touch Sensors

        R – CODE Environment                                          7. Idle-Random

         R-CODE Coding Conventions                                            8. Voice Command


        Wireless Environment                                            9. Human Face Detection

       Tools                                                                            10. Maze&Avoid Obstacle

文字方塊: RoboCup (Originally called as Robot World Cup Initiative) is an international research and education initiative.

It is an attempt to foster AI and intelligent robotics research by providing a standard problem where wide range of technologies can be integrated and examined, as well as being used for integrated project-oriented education.

        For this purpose, RoboCup chose to use soccer game as a primary domain, and organizes RoboCup:(The Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences). In order for a robot team to actually perform a soccer game, various technologies must be incorporated including: design principles of autonomous agents, multi-agent collaboration, strategy acquisition, real-time reasoning, robotics, and sensor-fusion. RoboCup is a task for a team of multiple fast-moving robots under a dynamic environment. RoboCup also offers a software platform for research on the software aspects of RoboCup.

While soccer game is used as a standard problem where broad-range of efforts will be concentrated and integrated, competition is only a part of RoboCup activity.

Current activities of the RoboCup consists of:

Nevertheless, RoboCup International Competitions and Conferences is the central pillar of our activity, where researchers can get together and evaluate research progress.

            Game Rules            

文字方塊: RoboCup Website
2004 RoboCup School
OPEN-R Website
CMU Course
School before 2004
文字方塊: 1. Powerful front Right leg kicking
2. Powerful front Left leg kicking
3. Powerful Rear Left leg kicking
4. Powerful Rear Right leg kicking
5. Head kicking
6. Parameter Right leg kicking
7. Parameter Left leg kicking
8. Both arms pushing the ball
Basic behaviors developed

文字方塊: A. Simple goalie  
B. Fast goalie  
C. Various styles of kicking